Oh how great and how marvelous is thy works oh Lord. I just want to tell of His goodness. About two weeks ago, our Senior Pastor was teaching at the American Legion, and as she got caught up in the spirit, she was speaking about how the Lord would pull the cover off some things. We were all praising God as she ministered, and it was then I noticed that the American Legion cover on the podium, slowly started to move off of the stand that it was on. When she suddenly stood up, the cover continued to slide down as if a hand or something was removing it. I quickly turned to the Pastor sitting next to me and pointed it out to him. As she yelled Holy Ghost the cover fell to the floor on the podium. I thought to myself, “Now that sho nuff don’t make no sense”. To God Be the Glory.

Last year, I had to go in the hospital for a blood clot in my right leg and my lung. The doctor said I could or should have been gone, BUT GOD! I was put on zerelto (blood thinner) and told that I would probably have to be on it the rest of my life. On Thursday of last week, I went to my doctor’s appointment for a follow-up. I had gone to get blood work and they gave me another container to fill for 24 hours. When I went back across to the blood doctor, he told me, “You don’t need to take zerelto any longer”. I said “whaaaat” – He said your test looks good and there is no need for you to keep taking it. He said, “Take that container back across the hall, I don’t know why they even gave it to you”. At that moment I felt like running, felt like shouting, singing, Oh what the Lord has done for me! Let us pray for the woman and prophet of God that she will be able to continue to speak what thus saith the Lord. The Lord has uncovered some things for His people and healing is one of them. To God Be the Glory.


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