
One Sunday in June, Apostle Emma Dickens, asked me what the Fruit of The Spirit was. I answered Goodness, and then she asked me what was the meaning of Goodness? I could barely answer, because I didn’t know. Now that I have done my research, not only can I tell you what it means, but I will also apply it to my situations in life. The Fruit of The Spirit is often used to describe characteristics of a  Christian. In Galatians, The Fruit of The Spirit is mentioned when Paul makes a list of them to contrast a Christian from a sinner. Goodness is the quality of being good; kindness, generosity. In the Bible, goodness refers to the gracious generosity of Yahweh in providing our needs. Psalms 23:6 say ” Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.”


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