In the early part of 1990, God began to deal with Pastor Emma about starting her own work, a work of a different design and flavor but same goal, to build up the Kingdom of God. He began to show her the many souls needing to be saved who were waiting like the lame man by the Pool of Bethesda, people waiting for their appointed time and season for deliverance and to be rescued from a life of sin and poverty. Through much praying and fasting, she was led to the town of Scotland Neck, North Carolina. This work was birthed, consecrated and given the name Tabernacle of Victory and Deliverance Worship Center, Inc. TVDWC was governed by particular specifications given by God for the time and season for which the people were in. This was a place where people could come and receive salvation and worship the Almighty freely; it was a place in which the “Word” brought a “Change” and the “Worship” brought “Deliverance“.

The beginning of 2008 started off with a consecration of fasting and praying uniquely designed by God himself. God appointed this particular year as a New Beginning for Presiding Bishop Emma and her Ministry and spoke specifically to the Prophet that there was going to be a Shifting in the Body. . . A Change! In October of 2008, God released Bishop Emma as Presiding Bishop of GUCOD to fully walk in her destiny without religious limits or boundaries. Not fully understanding the Mission herself, she trusted God!

In November of 2008, God saw fit to bring the two churches, Good News Deliverance Church and Tabernacle of Victory and Deliverance Worship Center, together to create one strong union “Kingdom Empowerment Ministries, Inc.” which is located at the former Tabernacle of Victory and Deliverance Worship Center, Inc. edifice.

Today, Kingdom Empowerment Ministries, Inc. (sometimes referred to as KEM) is one of the most Powerful, Dynamic, Unique and Fire-Driven Ministries on the East Coast. The Scotland Neck location also serves as the headquarters of KEM with four other locations in Greenville, Williamston, Henderson and Pinetops, North Carolina. This ministry is designed by the Almighty and is led solely by the Spirit of God. At KEM, Apostle Emma is training and equipping Kingdom Soldiers for this latter-day move through Revelation and Illumination that flows straight from the Throne of God. Apostle Emma has been equipped with God’s given ability to take His Kingdom to dimensional levels. She has been endowed with a Joshua Anointing to preach and teach in this 21st Century. The Message has not changed, just the Method!!!